Wednesday, 9 November 2016


 WHAT: This week the year 5/6 have been involved in some science.
SO WHAT: This week we have been involved in science for this weeks integrated learning topic. Our class ( room 10 ) have been to 3 classes for science already because we do this thing how one day say we might go to room 5 and then the next day we might go to room 11 for science and today (9.11.16) we are going to room 24. So far we have learnt about the water cycle,planets,the earths layer. Did you know that mars has got 2 moons.
NOW WHAT:I think that I would like to learn more about the earths layer because it sounds really interesting.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Character day!

WHAT: I have been involved in literacy week in term 4 by...
SO WHAT: I have been involved in literacy by dressing up as a character and who do you think I dressed up as? Well I can tell you if you keep reading well I dressed up as...  Thing 3 from Dr. Suess and some of my other friends dressed up as other characters from the same story.
NOW WHAT:My Asttle gap for writing was vocabulary and punctuation and now I'd like to make sure I try and focus on my gaps when I write my next story.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Te reo

WHAT:I have been learning in Te Reo and attending a Hui on Fridays.
So What: This year in Te Reo we have learnt some Maori phrases,sentences and words that might be helpful in life for example Ka taea ahau te heare Ki te wharepaku? that means: can I please go to the bathroom?
Also: aroha Mai. which means: i'm sorry. koa= please. That is from our Te Reo phrases of the fortnight.
Days of the week: Monday = Rahina Tuesday = Ratu Wednesday = Raapa Thursday = Rapare Friday = Ramare Saturday = Rahoroi Sunday = Ratapu.
Now What: I probably still need help with pronouncing some of the phrases, sentences, and words.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Starfish swimming

                                                   WHAT: Starfish Swimming 
                                    SO WHAT:photo and a certificate and what was achieved


Thursday, 15 September 2016

Lincoln primary technology

What: We  had a go at some of the technology at Lincoln.

So what: at Lincoln primary we got split into big groups of 10 and then we got started into the technology.
so my group was called the blue group the first activity we (the blue group) did was sewing it was really awesome because we made emoji's it was very tricky and tough, the hardest thing in sewing for me was trying to knot the needle and thread (so basically getting ready to thread in threw the fabric) and it was also very tricky because we only had about half an hour on each activity then we did 3D printing then last but not least food technology.My favourite was probably sewing.

Now what: I am looking forward  to doing more cool stuff like this in the future like this I would probably be most exited for sewing again because I made this really awesome emoji.

Friday, 2 September 2016

Winter sport post!!!


                                    WHAT: I have been involved 

       winter sport this year.

    so what: my highlights at winter sport would be... getting to know my team mates more. Also being a part of the team. And it was awesome how all of us were getting to know more of our strengths and weaknesses in netball witch was really cool. When we would be versing another really good netball  team we would always partner one of our team mates with another one by highlights. For example myself and another girl/boy my height I would be with them if say I was attack I would get partnered with a defence around my height.

Now What: I could still improve on in netball is... I want to be more accurate in shooting when I'm attack because i'm always defence because i'm most good at that and I never get a chance to be attack.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Olympic post!

WHAT: We have been learning about the Olympics.

SO WHAT: I now know that in the Olympics refuges can compete. Instead  of holding they're flag they would hold the Olympic flag.

NOW WHAT: A sport I'd would like to compete in one day would be Netball. Because.... Netball is my favorite sport. I think it is very fun in Netball because it's fun hitting the ball away and shooting and catching the rebounds.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Classroom CARE

                                         What: our values focus is classroom
                                           so what am I really good at from the matrix?
                                            I think i'm really good at being aware of others because....
                                              I wait until people come in the door before i go out the door
                                              now what could i improve over the next two weeks
                                              contribute to class and group discussions.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016


WHAT: I have been involved in the CARE values:..............

SO WHAT: I am a master at.....  Respecting my own and others property ( cloakroom )

NOW WHAT: I still need to work  on........ let the teacher know where you are going ( toilets )